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Printing products counterfeit protection methods
Generally, printing products counterfeit protection methods can be divided into 4 groups:
1) Fraud-proof paper for printing products manufacture
2) Graphical safety elements
3) Typographic safety methods (print methods, special inks)
4) Additional safety elements (post-printing processes)
1. Fraud-proof paper for printing products manufacture
1.1 Watermark. It is made during sheet formation process by thickness variation of particular parts of a sheet.
1.2 Security fiber – color or colorless polymer fibers, color cellulose fibers inserted into paper stuff during its treatment before formation.
1.3 Security threads
1.4 Security chemical compounds
1.1 Watermark. It is made during sheet formation process by thickness variation of particular parts of a sheet. There are following watermarks:
General – with pattern repeating through all paper sheet
Local – with pattern located at particular place of paper sheet
Strip– with pattern repeating along the strip located at particular place of paper sheet (not applied to security papers) depending on image feature
Shadowed– formed from thick areas, it has more dark color in comparison with paper background when being peek-a-booed
Transparent– formed from thin areas, it has more light color in comparison with paper background when being peek-a-booed
Two-tones– formed simultaneously with thicker and thinner areas, it has dark and light areas in comparison with paper background
Multitonal– this mark has smooth transitions between dark and light areas that form complex textured patterns. Generally it is used for placing of a portrait.
Goznak is the manufacturer of secured paper for producing of printing products. Paper for producing of secured products is manufactured at St-Petersburg and Krasnokamensk Plants of Goznak.